Saturday, August 22, 2015


game: 3 areas in the first island are designed
life: classes are looking optimistic
Tech: i just got a 2 in 1 that i can work on the game on the go
overall: i may get this done before i go fishing with my grandmother

Friday, August 14, 2015


i should have time during the week to work on the game more now i dont work sunday evening through thursday morning which means i have 4 free afternoons

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Well this is odd

I apparently fell asleep on my way home from work I just woke up in an Arby's parking lot....

Monday, August 3, 2015

Nonproductive insomnia

So yeah my laptops in my car and I'm too lazy to get it no work tonight sorry

Demo release

Demo is scheduled for late October(random assumption based on the fact I want the updates to be by island)


I'll be starting HTML coding in august so yeah i may design a legit site soon

Woohoo late night insomnia

woo hoo go mild insomnia encouraging me to actually do something other than HOTS

P.S. HOTS is awesome hit me up on it im xXUnknownXx